Liisa-Mona is the brilliant sales and purchasing manager of Steelhouse Group Estonia.

What do you like most about sales work?

I enjoy communicating and forging new connections, as well as finding the best solutions for clients and providing them support. There have been instances where I have had to acknowledge our inability to meet the client’s needs, leading me to advise them to seek solutions from our competitors. That is because I am well aware of our capabilities and do not want to make my team jump through hoops. Our policy has never been centred around winning tenders or securing work at any cost, as this can lead to shortcomings in the quality of the work. I believe that everyone should pursue what they excel at and pour their heart and soul into it.

What is the hardest part of your job?

Convincing clients to consider factors beyond price can be challenging. Many are accustomed to receiving a subpar service at a lower cost, making it difficult for them to understand the reasons behind a higher price. They often seek affordability without considering the compromised quality, potentially leading to the need for repairs or replacements in the near future.

We make an effort to explain to clients how the work is priced and stress the importance of comparing project quotes on an equal basis. Sometimes clients wish to compromise on quality for a lower price, but in such instances, we are not prepared to accept the job. For instance, we never produce equipment for the food industry that is not passivated. If a client wishes to forgo this requirement, we cannot accommodate them.

I always try to empathise with each client’s situation by putting myself in their shoes. Sometimes, even at home, I find myself pondering how our solutions work for one client or another and if there is anything more we could do to be of more help.

Are your clients located only in Estonia?

We primarily operate in Europe, but also serve clients outside the region. Currently, the most distant destinations for our products are the USA and Argentina.

Which area or service attracts the most interest on the market?

Currently, there is a growing trend towards ordering cleanroom products, along with a strong interest in food-grade containers and industrial production lines.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Family and friends are paramount in my life, with my dear daughter and spouse being the most important to me.
As a salesperson, I often find myself surrounded by people, especially at work. In my personal life, however, I have found a close-knit group of friends with whom I enjoy spending time. One of my favourite activities is travelling, during which I fully devote myself to my family and friends while taking a break from work.
While I am open to other people’s ideas, I often find myself taking the lead in organising activities for my family and friends and they are happy to follow along with my plans.

I am always 100% there for my loved ones and I firmly believe in the saying that you do not make friends, you become friends.


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