Steelhouse Team Day

On November 23–24, our people from Loo and Vinni came together in a vibrant and engaging setting to emphasise the significance of teamwork and showing consideration for one another.

The team days began with occupational safety training and outlining strategies for the upcoming year. We then shifted our focus to teamwork, with the objective of maximising the use of each other’s skills and working towards a shared aim – collaboratively identifying essential details in the drawings. This was to ensure that welders and grinders take into account each other’s work processes for the most effective outcome. Communication with each other also played an important role. We aimed to reinforce to the team the importance of not working in isolation, but rather engaging in discussions with each other, exchanging information about their respective work areas, and recognising and leveraging the strengths and abilities of all team members.

Gathered on site, the teams were assigned the challenge of building smoke ovens, utilising all the resources available in the facility. The task commenced with the teams receiving the drawings, which had been previously agreed upon by the draftsman, designer and purchaser. The task entailed identifying the appropriate action for the drawings in an app, followed by progressing through various stages such as laser cutting, edge finishing, threading, grinding, and welding. The final step involved treating the exterior of the completed product with acid.

All teams managed the collaboration excellently, and the results of their work turned out to be very beautiful.

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